
How Are CBD Products Approved for Use?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive substance found in marijuana plants. It’s one of the estimated nine to ten percent of the total plant’s potency and is one of the many identified Cannabidiol-like chemicals (cannabidiolic acid). This compound has been found to have several medical benefits, including anti-inflammatory and pain relief, reduced seizures, and possibly lower cholesterol levels. A recent study from the University of Nebraska Medical Center suggests that CBD may help reduce seizures in epileptic children.

While CBD doesn’t get as much hype or press as THC: there are still some major benefits to investing in CBD products. In addition to the previously mentioned medical benefits, there are no reported side effects to using CBD products. So you won’t be subjecting yourself to the same potential hazards as other drugs on the market. Additionally, at the current moment in time there are no major problems with the CBD, such as negative side effects. The reason for this is primarily due to the fact that CBD is an unlicensed, not approved substance. Therefore, there aren’t any major pharmaceutical companies attempting to develop pharmaceutical grade CBD.

As of now there are two major products: on the market that have been approved by the FDA to treat symptoms of some diseases or conditions. One of these is called CBD oil may help treat a child seizure disorder. The FDA has approved the use of CBD oil to treat children who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but there are no clinical trials involving adults. A significant benefit of using CBD is that it does not produce the same kind of dependence that most pharmaceutical drugs do. People who take CBD don’t report feeling a sense of “high” the way that people do after taking prescription drugs, and they don’t experience withdrawals either.

Another substance that are approved by the FDA for treating neurological diseases: but which is not known to be very effective at treating the disease, is CBD. This particular CBD is called CBDzol. It is similar to the active ingredient found in marijuana, although it is not smoked. The difference between CBDzol and marijuana is that it has been shown to reduce seizures in children who suffer from multiple sclerosis. However, even though multiple sclerosis is a disease, it is still considered a “minor” condition by many health insurance companies.

When researching CBD: it is important to remember that just like most prescription drugs, CBD can produce some serious side effects. For example, someone who takes CBD may find that they have difficulty sleeping, or they begin to lose appetite. Some people who have already taken CBDzol, while on a wait and see period to see if CBDzol will help them, began to lose their appetite and experienced memory loss, due to the lack of CBD, in their system. Other possible side effects include problems with the stomach, seizures, anxiety, and depression.

For those who are looking for a natural treatment option: without all the negative side effects of other pharmaceutical drugs, and who do not wish to smoke, there is another alternative. Two products which have been approved by the FDA to treat seizure disorders, and which are extracted from marijuana plants, are RemFusion and VigRx. Both of these products are extracted from the same plant, which grows wild across the American continent. While CBD is extracted from marijuana plants, RemFusion utilizes hemp extract, while VigRx utilizes cannabis extract only.

Both of these products are approved for treating spasticity due to multiple sclerosis, as well as for reducing seizures and stopping the re-occurrence of seizures.