
Does Indica Make You Lazy?

You’ve probably heard the question asked over: does indica make you sleepy? While most strains of this herb have similar effects on energy levels, mood and general well being, it’s also the case that different cannabis strains have different effects on people. While many people find relief from other potencies of the drug, others may find it makes them more drowsy and less alert. This can be a tricky thing to deal with as no two people are the same but there are ways to combat the downsides of this particular type of weed.

Some people take indices in order to fall asleep – The sedative effect of indices acts to calm those who take it into consideration. Some people find that the sleep inducing effects of sativas act in a similar manner. Many uplifting strains of cannabis are able to cross the spectrum from calming to energizing the body while relieving pain, anxiety and insomnia.

Some strains are better for relieving anxiety than others – Indices are often the first choice of many people when looking to get a good night’s sleep. This is because it has a natural ability to ease tension. Sativa and uplifting strains are the best choice when it comes to relieve stress and tension in the body. If you find that your body is constantly tense and knotted up then indicas will help to ease this tension through a comfortable and relaxing sleep.

Another of the common effects of indica – is the euphoric high that follows a heavy body workout. When taking it before hitting the gym or out running errands, the effect can be highly energizing. After the workout is done, many users find themselves experiencing a high like they did when they were younger. Some of the less common effects include feelings of euphoria, but these are not felt as strongly as the ones experienced by heavy users of indica.

One of the most popular strains – at the moment is Durban from the Garden City Herbs. The strain was originally developed for medical use and has been bred with sativas for close to fifty years. Many medical professionals believe that the combination of the two herbs gives users a higher level of healing and vitality. In fact many medical clinics around the world use strains of Durban and other indices on patients that are recovering from illnesses and who are highly stressed or anxious.

All three of the most common effects – of indica can be attributed to the chemical compounds found within the flower. These chemical compounds are known as alkaloids. The scientific term for alkaloid is “Cannula.”

The three main alkaloid compounds in the cannabis plant are THC (tetrahydrocannabinols), Methylxanthines and Terpenes.