
Can You Have a Seizure From Weed and Epilepsy?

Can you have a seizure from weed? If so, it’s not very likely that it will be your first time. According to estimates, about four percent of people suffer some sort of effect from marijuana use. Although most people simply become more tolerant over time and their symptoms diminish or disappear, it can be hard not to notice a strange episode from time to time.

People who suffer from seizure disorders often wonder – what they can do to avoid having a seizure while high on pot. The answer is that you can’t really do anything – although you may find some medical advice beneficial in the long run. Before you begin using marijuana, it is highly recommended that you find out all you can about its side effects and about the overall health risks involved. If you already suffer from epilepsy, then it’s very important that you seek proper care. Otherwise, you could end up causing irreparable damage to your brain and/or to yourself.

Can you have a seizure from weed and epilepsy at the same time? The answer is that it’s impossible, but you never know how your body will react to an unfamiliar substance. In general, it is better to take any new drug with a little bit of caution, so that you don’t start having dangerous side effects. However, this is especially true if you are taking medications for other ailments.

Many believe that CBD is the main “cure” for epilepsy and seizures – but there is some reason to doubt this. At least one case of a teenage girl who started having convulsions when she took cannabis was found to have trace amounts of CBD in her system. There is no clear evidence that CBD has any effect whatsoever on seizures, and even more research is needed to ascertain whether it is at all safe for humans to use. Right now, it is a good idea to stay away from anything with CBD unless your doctor tells you that it is okay.

What can you have a seizure from weed and epilepsy at the same time? You can have a seizure from pot or other forms of marijuana, but you can also have a seizure from moderate quantities of CBD. This is not known to be toxic, and many medical marijuana users report feeling great after taking it. It appears that the medical marijuana has less of an effect on seizures than previously thought.

Can you have a seizure from weed and epilepsy? Yes, absolutely, as long as you do not take marijuana in high enough doses. Also, do not start using marijuana immediately if you have had a previous seizure disorder. It could turn out that taking marijuana is not so dangerous after all.